kymmis > Electronic Claims : EDI Advantages |
Electronic Claims
Advantages of Electronic Claims
A hard copy claim goes through many clerical
channels before it is entered ino the computer for payment. This is a very time
consuming process. In the case of a suspended claim, the time between the
receipt of the original invoice and payment can increase by weeks.
EDI significantly reduces the time of payment, and since claims only suspend for
medical review and recipient eligibility, the provider has better control of
outstanding claims.
Providers submitting hard-copy claims must refer to their remittance-advice (RA)
statements when determining payment information. In addition to paper RAs, EDI
users can receive electronic remittance 835 - Asynchronous (modem to modem) communication.
835 Request Form
Other advantages of EDI include:
Faster turnaround
Improved claim control
Increased cash flow
Automation of receivables information
Tremendous error reduction